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Conversion Rate Calculator

Free online conversion rate calculator to boost conversions across sales, marketing, e-commerce, emails, & online campaigns effortlessly and hit high CRO targets.

*Visits should be greater than Conversions


Your Conversion Rate

FAQs on Conversion Rate Calculator

What is the conversion rate? Explain with an example.
The conversion rate is a crucial metric in marketing and e-commerce that measures the percentage of users who take a desired action out of the total number of visitors. It reflects the effectiveness of a website or campaign in turning visitors into customers, subscribers or achieving any predefined goal.

For example: Imagine an online store that receives 1000 visitors in a month, and out of these, 50 visitors make a purchase. The conversion rate would be calculated by dividing the number of purchases (50) by the total visitors (1000), resulting in a conversion rate of 5%.

This means 5% of the website's visitors successfully converted into customers. A higher conversion rate indicates better engagement and optimized user experience, contributing to increased business success.
How do I calculate the digital conversion rate? And what is the formula?
To calculate the conversion rate, you can use our free conversion rate calculator which is hassle-free, but you can also follow a simple formula: divide the number of desired actions (such as purchases or sign-ups) by the total number of visitors and then multiply by 100 to get the percentage.

The Conversion Rate Calculator formula is
(Number of Conversions / Total Digital Visitors) * 100.

For example, if your online store had 2000 visitors and 80 of them made a purchase, the calculation would be:

(80 / 2000) * 100 = 4%
i.e., the conversion rate equals 4%.
How do I calculate the conversion rate in Excel?
Firstly, you have to organize your data in columns. Let’s say `A` column represent the number of conversions, and `B`column represent the total number of visitors or interactions.

Calculating Conversion Rate:

For example, if your conversions are in cell A2 and total visitors are in cell B2.

The formula would be:
=A2 / B2* 100
Why do we calculate the conversion rate?
Every business needs to calculate its conversion rates so that they can achieve following benefits:

1. Performance Insights: Assess the effectiveness of strategies, revealing which tactics drive desired user actions and which need refinement.
2. Strategy Optimization: By analyzing rates, businesses can pinpoint weak points in their user journey, making it possible to enhance elements such as calls to action or user experience.
3. Resource Allocation: Smartly distribute resources by identifying high-conversion strategies, ensuring efforts yield maximum returns on investment.
4. Progress Tracking: Conversion rates act as milestones, helping companies monitor progress towards predetermined objectives.
5. Comparative Analysis: Comparing rates over different periods or campaigns offers actionable data for refining approaches and adapting to trends.
6. ROI Evaluation: Conversion rates enable businesses to evaluate the financial returns generated by their strategies.
7. Improve User Experience: Understanding conversion rates aids in recognizing pain points in the user journey, fostering improved engagement and conversions.
What are five examples of conversion?
1. Sales:
- Direct Purchases: Increasing the percentage of website visitors who make a purchase from your online store.
- Upgrade Conversions: Encouraging existing customers to upgrade to higher-tier products or services, thereby increasing their spending.

2. Marketing:
- Lead Captures: Improving the rate at which website visitors provide their contact information through forms, expanding your potential customer base.
- Demo or Consultation Requests: Convincing prospects to request product demos or consultations, nurturing more qualified leads for sales.

3. E-commerce:
- Cart Abandonment Recovery: Reclaiming potential lost revenue by persuading users who left items in their shopping carts to complete their purchase.
- Product Recommendations: Enhancing cross-selling and upselling by suggesting related or complementary products, increasing the average order value.

4. Emails:
- Click-through Rate (CTR) Enhancement: Improving the CTR of your email campaigns, driving more recipients to your website or product pages.
- Conversion from Email: Encouraging subscribers to take a desired action from your emails, such as making a purchase or signing up for an event.

5. Online Campaigns:
- Social Media Engagement: Increasing engagement metrics like likes, shares, and comments on social media posts, expanding your brand's reach.
- Landing Page Conversions: Optimizing landing pages associated with online campaigns to boost the rate at which visitors convert, whether it's making a purchase or signing up for a webinar.
What affects the conversion rate?
1. Website UX: Intuitive design and navigation enhance user experience.
2. Effective CTAs: Clear, compelling calls-to-action guide users toward conversion.
3. Page Speed: Fast loading prevents user frustration and drop-offs.
4. Content Relevance: Tailored content addresses user needs, boosting engagement.
5. Mobile Optimization: Mobile-friendly design caters to on-the-go users.
6. Trust Signals: Reviews and endorsements instill confidence, encouraging conversions.
7. Targeted Audience: Precise targeting aligns offerings with user interests.
What are the different types of conversion rates?
1. Sales Conversion Rate: Measures the percentage of visitors who make a purchase.
2. Lead Conversion Rate: Calculates the percentage of leads generated from visitors who eventually become customers.
3. Click-Through Rate (CTR) Conversion: Evaluates the percentage of users who clicked on a specific link or element out of the total who saw it.
4. Form Submission Rate: Measures the percentage of users who complete and submit a form, indicating interest or intent.
5. Cart Abandonment Rate: Represents the percentage of users who add items to their cart but don't complete the purchase.
6. Email Conversion Rate: Tracks the percentage of recipients who complete a desired action after interacting with an email, such as making a purchase or clicking a link.
7. Traffic Source Conversion Rate: Compares conversion rates across different traffic sources, like organic search, paid ads, and social media.
8. Landing Page Conversion Rate: Measures the percentage of visitors who complete a desired action on a specific landing page.
9. Social Media Conversion Rate: Gauges the percentage of users who take a desired action on social media platforms, such as clicking a link or making a purchase.
10. Micro Conversion Rate: Focuses on smaller actions that indicate progress towards a larger goal, such as signing up for a newsletter or adding items to a wishlist.
What is a high conversion rate?
A high conversion rate refers to a significant percentage of visitors who successfully complete a desired action, such as making a purchase or signing up. Typically, a conversion rate exceeding 10% is considered high.

This indicates effective strategies, engaging content, and user-friendly experiences that encourage a substantial number of users to take the intended actions, leading to successful outcomes and business growth.
Is 12% a good conversion rate?
Yes, a 12% conversion rate is generally considered good, especially in competitive industries. It signifies that about 12 out of every 100 visitors are converting, which indicates effective engagement strategies and a strong alignment between your offerings and user interests.

While conversion rates can vary based on industry norms, a 12% rate reflects successful efforts in capturing user attention and motivating them to take the desired actions.
What is a low conversion rate?
A low conversion rate indicates a small percentage of visitors completing the desired action, often falling below 2-3%. This suggests potential issues with user experience, targeting, or the appeal of your offer. Low conversion rates can be a sign of missed opportunities to engage visitors effectively or align your content with their needs.

Improving factors like website design, content quality, and calls to action can help raise conversion rates to more desirable levels.
Is a 2% low conversion rate?
Yes, a 2% conversion rate is generally considered low. It implies that only around 2 out of every 100 visitors are converting, which can signify challenges in engagement or targeting. While acceptable conversion rates can vary across industries, a 2% rate suggests room for improvement.

By refining strategies, improving user experience, and optimizing calls to action, you can work towards increasing your conversion rate and achieving more successful outcomes.