Path Analysis

Path Analysis

Analyze the path to track deeply into user journey throughout your website and uncover where users may be navigating within your application, especially if they exit the intended funnel.


Save Time Save Time

Instantly capture and analyze behaviors as they happen in real-time.

Enhanced User Experience Enhanced User Experience

Gain comprehensive customer insights for a complete understanding.

Boost Revenue Boost Revenue

Identify emerging possibilities to drive revenue growth

Customer Satisfaction Customer Satisfaction

Remove barriers and delight customers with effortless interactions.

Pinpoint and Resolve Bugs Pinpoint and Resolve Bugs

Effectively address, troubleshoot, and resolve problems for prompt resolution.

Privacy-Driven Integration Privacy-Driven Integration

Prioritize privacy and secure integration for driving continuous innovation.

Map out All Path Flows of Your Website

Get a holistic view of into every action taken by users on your product or website to analyze accurate funnel conversions.

Understand Where Users are Leading into Your Website with Path Analysis

Understand Where Users are Leading into Your Website with Path Analysis

Figure out the accurate reason behind your user’s journeys to make informed decisions, improve the user experience, optimize content placement, and ultimately achieve their conversion goals.

  • Uncover user behavior patterns.
  • Identify conversion funnel bottlenecks.
  • Build strategies that generate the highest return on investment.
Identify Bottleneck Points Where Users are Dropping-off Before Converting

Identify Bottleneck Points Where Users are Dropping-off Before Converting

Spot stages and interactions where users abandon the path before completing a desired action, such as purchasing or filling out a contact form.

  • Track users at each stage of their journey with path analysis.
  • Deeper insights into every individual user interaction.
  • Find out frictions like confusing navigation, excessive form fields, or a lack of clear calls-to-action.
In-depth Path Analysis to Understand Key Influencing Factors

In-depth Path Analysis to Understand Key Influencing Factors

Go beyond basic pageview tracking, providing a detailed account of user interactions and the sequence of actions they perform with comprehensive insights into user behavior.

  • Analyze the most prevalent devices and operating systems.
  • Identify the top referrers and the sources driving traffic to the website.
  • Focus on countries and regions with the highest user engagement.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is path analysis?
Path analysis is like a map that shows how people move around a website or app. Instead of just counting views, it tracks the specific paths users take, from where they start to where they end up.

By looking at these paths, businesses learn where users often go and where they might leave. This helps make websites better by fixing problems and making things easier to find. Also, it's a tool that helps understand how people use websites and apps to improve their experience.
How will path analysis help my digital businesses?
1. User Routes: Tracks how users move through your site/app.
2. Popular & Problem Areas: Identifies where users go most and where they struggle.
3. Better Experience: Improves site/app usability for users.
4. Conversion Improvement: Understand why users may not complete actions (e.g., buying).
5. Optimized Performance: Adjusts content/layout based on user behavior.
What is the difference between Journey path analysis and Customer journey?
Journey Path Analysis:

Journey path analysis is like a detective tool that looks at how people move around online places like websites or apps. It shows us the steps users take, like where they start, what they look at, and where they stop. For instance, it might tell us that when people shop online, they first check categories, then items, add stuff to their cart, and finally buy. This helps make websites better and helps people buy things more easily.

Customer Journey:

The customer journey is like a trip that a person takes when they interact with a brand, whether it's online or in real life. It includes everything from when they first find out about the brand to when they buy something and even after that. For example, someone might see an ad on social media, then visit the website, check out the store, and finally buy something online. Understanding this journey helps businesses make better plans for advertising and improve how they interact with customers, aiming to keep customers happy and coming back.
How can I identify specific paths users take on my website?
Using a path analysis tool like ReplayBird helps you see exactly how people move around your website. ReplayBird gives detailed views of how users click through your site, showing where they start, stop, and the important places they visit.

Its advanced features let you closely look at their clicks and how they move around. This tool makes it easier to understand user behavior and helps you make smart choices based on data to make your website better and help more visitors become customers.
What is click path?
A click path is tracking clicks on the buttons and links while using a website. By measuring click tracking metrics, businesses can see the exact route users take. This helps make the website better by focusing on what users click and guiding them to do things like buying or signing up.
What are some key metrics in path analysis?
Key metrics in path analysis include:

1. Popular Entry Points: Identifies where users typically start their journey on the website.
2. Exit Points: Highlights where users leave the website, indicating potential areas for improvement.
3. Conversion Rates: Measures the percentage of users who complete a desired action, such as making a purchase or filling out a form.
4. Time Spent on Pages: Indicates how long users engage with specific content or pages.
5. Number of Interactions: Tracks the frequency of user interactions at various touchpoints.
6. Drop-off Rates: Reveals where users abandon their journey, pointing to potential bottlenecks or issues.
How can path analysis improve conversion rates?
Path analysis improves conversion rates by identifying bottleneck points in the user journey. By optimizing critical stages of the conversion funnel, businesses reduce drop-off rates, guiding users more effectively towards desired actions like purchases or sign-ups.

This streamlined process increases the likelihood of users completing conversions, ultimately leading to higher conversion rates.

Stop guessing what your visitors want.

Playback everything visitors do on your site.

watch-visitor-behavior Watch visitor behavior

Watch movements of your visitor’s using session recordings.

notes-segments-and-tags Notes, Segments and Tags

Add notes, segments and tag to your recording for easy identification.

easy-installation Easy Installation

Installation is quick and simple using a javascript tarcking code.

performance-monitoring Performance monitoring

Assess your site's user experience and uncover areas for improvement.

unlimited-team-members Unlimited team members

Invite all your team members and clients at no added cost!

block-ips Block IPs

Exclude tracking yourself, your team or clients by blocking their IPs.

share Share

Share notes and website recordings to your fellow mates.

user-identify User Identify

Track users to identify which users are having bad user experience.

audit-logs Audit Logs

See security audit logs for your projects and accounts.

Start using ReplayBird for free now.

Understand your customers in real-time.

  • Free 14-day trial
  • No credit card required
  • Unlimited users

Replace Assumptions with User Journey Insights

Identify potential opportunities to increase productivity and profitability, leading to more effective and cost-efficient outcomes.

Customer Journey Analytics
Customer Journey Analytics

Customer journey mapping analytics shows how visitors progress on your site from entry to exit.

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Session Replay
Session Replay

Record website visitors’ mouse movement, clicks, taps, and scrolling across multiple pages.

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Product Analytics
Product Analytics

Bring your users to the right product with ReplayBird to boost Inter-Functional Collaboration.

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Interaction & Heatmaps
Interaction & Heatmaps

Monitor every page on your site, rectify the issues, and enhance customers' better experience.

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Error Tracking
Error Tracking

Discover all the front-end issues that occur in your web application before your customer notices them.

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Speed Analysis
Speed Analysis

Get a complete overview of the multiple points of impact from your website’s performance.

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Funnel Analysis
Funnel Analysis

It's the method analyzing a user's journey through a series of events that lead up to conversion.

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Form Analysis
Form Analysis

Form Analysis helps you understand how your forms are performing, by analyzing user behavior interactions.

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Digital Record Keeping
Digital Record Keeping

Keep digital records of web and mobile interactions. Securely retain relevant digital records.

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Digital Experience Analytics
Digital Experience Analytics

Understand the quality of your user experience to deliver a more intuitive and inspiring digital journey.

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Digital Accessibility
Digital Accessibility

Digital accessibility means ensuring the web is accessible by everyone, which is a moral imperative.

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Data Security & Privacy
Data Security & Privacy

ReplayBird offers exceptional user data security, purpose-built for privacy, security and compliance.

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